My district has built a foundation that we can use to plan
our lessons that addresses all the grade level standards. They give us the
curriculum we have to use in order to address all the standards during the
school year. We have a curriculum map that tells us exactly what chapter to
teach. This is important because our report cards for every trimester grade
students per standards, and skills. Some standards are used through the school
year like place value, or adding and subtracting with two digits, but it is
graded when it is introduced. Benchmarks
follow that pacing as well, therefore is important we are aligned with the
standards that the district will be testing on. It is very straightforward, and
easy to follow.
When we plan with my team, we use the district maps, the
curriculum, and we grade accordingly. We need at least 3 summative grades per
standard for the report cards, and parent teacher conferences.
For science we use Foss kits that address all the standards
for science, and we teach separately the topics that are not included.
For E.L.A they had the pacing guides, and the curriculum
that guided us for reading and writing informational text, supporting ideas
from the text, and inferences. They also provide textbooks that cover not only
the E.L.A standards, but the social studies standards, and the science
standards as well.
For Math we use My Math and Engage New York for teaching all the CCS, and we follow the district pacing guides for chapters and units.